Why Do People Still Listen To The Radio?


In a time where online streaming services are essentially ruling the music listening world, why do people still love to listen to the radio? It’s no secret that the radio has been around for longer than online music streaming services and while you are less likely to see a radio in your home, there are still radios that can be found in cars.

While new technology may impact the usage of the radio, it is still a loved form of listening to music and so much more. It can offer variety to your palate and help to expand your horizons. While there are a lot of different reasons why people still love and listen to the radio, research suggests that the main reason (by far) is that it is easiest to listen to when driving.

There is a lot of variety when it comes to the radio as well. If you don’t like a particular station you can just simply change the channel to listening to something else. No matter what you feel like listening to, or what your mood is, you are sure to find something you’ll like. If you need to relax, then there’s a chill out radio for that, if you need to listen to pop music, there’s also a radio for that.

As well as this, different radio stations have been able to adapt with the times. Most of your popular radio stations will also be on the variety of social media platforms, so you can connect with them this way. They also tend to have their own website, so you can listen to the radio that way.

So, let’s dig a little deeper into some of the main reasons why people still love listening to the radio:

Lots of stations

As touched on in the introduction, there are a lot of different stations on the radio, no matter where you are. Now, with improved technology you can listen to your favourite radio online (you don’t even have to be in your car!). All different radios tend to specialise in different areas of music, so if you keep looking you are sure to find something you will like!

The variety is awesome and you are truly spoiled for options. You probably already have you favourite one or two channels, but don’t forget to branch out every now and then as you might find some songs you love on a different station.

The drive to and from work

Research suggests this is one of the most popular reasons why people still listen to the radio. If you are driving to work (or anywhere else), then for many people it is simply habit to listen to the radio as when you turn your car on the radio starts to play automatically. It can make the drive to work seem a lot faster; this is something many people need especially in peak hour traffic.

It can help get you ready and motivated for whatever you have to tackle during the day. The right type of music can also help get you calm and relaxed so you start the day on the right foot. The radio and music is general can even help you get in a better mood!

Free and easy

Probably one of the most important reasons, it’s free! While some other online music streaming services cost money to use (like Apple Music), listening to the radio is free. Yes, there are online music streaming services that are also free, i.e. there is a free version of Spotify, but this leads to the next point – it’s also easy!

As well as this it is easy to use, you don’t need to sign up or log in to an account, all you need to do is turn on the radio and you’re set. You also don’t need to have your phone at the ready to keep changing the songs, which can be dangerous to use while driving (and even in some countries, it’s illegal to touch your phone while driving).

Photo: Victoria Borodinova, Pexels.


This might have been something you didn’t think of before, but there are A LOT of giveaways to be won on the radio (something that online music streaming services doesn’t seem to have). So if you love a freebie, or the chance to win some great prizes, you should certainly be listening to the radio regularly.

Some prizes will certainly be bigger than others, so make sure you enter the big ones, and those ones that you like. While the chances may not be that high, you certainly need to be in it to win it! Also, if it is free to enter then there is certainly no harm in that!

The talk shows and latest gossip/news

While the radio does play a lot of music, there are also some that have talking segments where the hosts will talk about the latest gossip and news. Depending on the radio station you are listening to, it will change what the type of gossip or news that is talked about.

For example, you typical pop radio station will probably talk more about celebrity gossip and music industry news then your typical global news. You also get to know the hosts better as they typically share stories about themselves with listeners. So while you may be listening to the radio alone, you certainly don’t feel that way.

New music

Listening to the radio is one of the best and easiest ways to discover new music. Some radios may also be given special access to some new songs by artists before they even become available elsewhere. If you want to keep up to date with the latest and freshest hits, then the radio is the place to be.

With so much new music being released on a regular basis by a lot of different artists, the radio can help to take the guesswork out and you don’t have to go searching for it. All you need to do is turn the radio on and let the station do the rest of the work.

Working with the radio on

Lots of people love to work while listening to music, some like to do it listening to their own music, while others like to have the radio. Many believe that the radio is great background noise, as when it is too quite it can seem deafening.

There are also many benefits to listening to music while working, no matter if you are studying or trying to finish off that big presentation. It can help you remain focused on the task and can even help you reach the goals faster.

Mobile data

Now this is something many people probably haven’t thought of before. When you are using online streaming services on the go there is the potential that you are using your mobile data. If you are on a plan that limits the amount of mobile data you have then this could be a big issue.

However, if you listen to the radio (not online) then you aren’t using any of your mobile data. While this may not be a big issue for some, others without a lot of data should be seriously considering using the radio more frequently to limit the amount of mobile data being drained.






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