Lokolil – The Upcoming Rapper On His Inspirations as an Artist


Lokolil is one of the most exciting rappers emerging from New York. He pairs electrifying beats with lyrics that make an audience relate. His experiences growing up shape the basis of his music and his art has become an outlet for his pain. Inspired largely by himself and his own resilience, Lokolil is on a path to success.

Hi Lokolil, thanks for your time. Can you tell us about yourself and how you became interested in pursuing a rap career?

After facing many challenges growing up, I felt like I had a story to tell. I want to communicate reality through music and discovered I have a talent for connecting with an audience through my art. Because of this, I knew that music could transform my life and was something that I had to pursue.

What kind of stories do you like to tell through your music?

My songs are based on fact. I use my own personal experiences of things that I have seen or things that I have gone through to tell stories through rap. This authenticity is what makes me unique as an artist and is what makes audiences really relate to me.

What do you hope people will feel when they listen to your music?

People will feel what I feel and will be able to experience life through my eyes when they listen to my music. If you can relate to it, you will understand it. I hope people to see a glimpse of my life through my genuine stories.

Who are some artists that inspire you when making your music?

My key inspiration is myself. You have to believe in yourself as an artist. As my songs come from my own life experiences, it is my belief in myself that will lead me to success.

Is there someone that would be your dream collaboration?

Drake would definitely be my dream collaboration. I would also like to do something unexpected though. Maybe someone like Adele. This would surprise people but I think we could do something truly unique together.

Finally, how can people find you and follow your journey?

People can find me on my YouTube channel Lokolil, and on my Instagram which is @OfficialLokolil. Stay tuned for more music coming soon.

How fans can follow you?

You can follow me on:





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